Online Lessons

Online Lessons

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/02/15 In Pastures Green (Mark 6:31-44) Erik Borlaug Sermon Exploring Mark Sun PM 20150802pm_-_Mark_-_In_Pastures_Green_-_Mark_c6v31-44_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3
08/02/15 The Prodigal Sons (Luke 15:1-3, 11:32 Erik Borlaug Sermon N/A Sun AM 20150802am_-_The_Prodigal_Sons_-_Luke_c15v1-3_v11-32-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3
07/24/15 Secondary Motivations For Obedience Scott Kercheville Gospel Meeting Who Do You Think You Are? (How God Motivates Your Faithfulness for His Glory) Gospel Meeting 20150724pm_-_Secondary_Motivations_for_Obedience_-_Scott_Kercheville_.mp3
07/23/15 God's Grace Motivates Us To Generosity (II Cornthians 8:1-15) Scott Kercheville Gospel Meeting Who Do You Think You Are? (How God Motivates Your Faithfulness for His Glory) Gospel Meeting 20150723pm_-_Gods_Grace_Motivates_Us_To_Generosity_-_II_Corinthians_c8v1-15_-_scott_Kercheville.mp3
07/22/15 God's Love Urges Us Home (II Corinthians 5:1-10) Scott Kercheville Gospel Meeting Who Do You Think You Are? (How God Motivates Your Faithfulness for His Glory) Gospel Meeting 20150722pm_-_Gods_Love_Urges_Us_Home__-_II_Corinthians_c5v1-10_-_Scott_Kercheville.mp3
07/21/15 You Are Redeemed (Ephesians 1:7-10) Scott Kercheville Gospel Meeting Who Do You Think You Are? (How God Motivates Your Faithfulness for His Glory) Gospel Meeting 20150721pm_-_You_Are_redeemed_-_Ephesians_c1v7-10_-_Scott_Kercheville.mp3
07/20/15 You Are Predestined (Ephesians 1:5-6) Scott Kercheville Gospel Meeting Who Do You Think You Are? (How God Motivates Your Faithfulness for His Glory) Gospel Meeting 20150720pm_-_You_Are_Predestined_-_Ephesians_c1v5-6_-_Scott_Kercheville.mp3
07/19/15 You are Chosen (Ephesians 1:1-4) Scott Kercheville Gospel Meeting Who Do You Think You Are? (How God Motivates Your Faithfulness for His Glory) Gospel Meeting 20150719pm_-_You_are_Chosen_-_Ephesians_c1v1-4_-_Scott_Kerchevilled.mp3
07/19/15 Your New Identity (Ephesians 1-3) Scott Kercheville Gospel Meeting Who Do You Think You Are? (How God Motivates Your Faithfulness for His Glory) Gospel Meeting 20150719am_-_Your_New_Identity_-_Ephesians_c1-3_-_Scott_Kercheville.mp3
07/19/15 The Primary Motivation for Obedience (Joshua 24:1-15) Scott Kercheville Gospel Meeting Who Do You Think You Are? (How God Motivates Your Faithfulness for His Glory) Gospel Meeting 20150719am_-_The_Primary_Motivation_for_Obedience_-_Joshua_c24v1-15_-_Scott_Kercheville_.mp3
07/12/15 What does this Church Need? Gary Gibson Sermon N/A Sun PM 20150712pm_-_What_does_This_Church_Need_-_Gary_Gibson.mp3
07/12/15 Keeping Disciples from Idolatry (Hebrews 4:1-2) Berry Kercheville Sermon N/A Sun AM 20150712am_-_Keeping_Disciples_from_Idolatry_-_Hebrews_4_-_Berry_Kercheville.mp3
07/05/15 Cost of Discipleship (Mark 6:7-30) Erik Borlaug Sermon Exploring Mark Sun PM 20150705pm_-_Cost_of_Dicipleship_Mark_c6v7-30_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3
07/05/15 Freedom In Christ (John 8:31-38) Erik Borlaug Sermon N/A Sun AM 20150705am-_Freedom_In_Christ_-_John_c8v31-38_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3
06/28/15 Prayer Service _ Praying according to the Spirit. Erik Borlaug Prayer Service N/A Sun AM 20150628pm_-_Prayer_Service--Prayer_According_to_the_Spirit_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3
06/28/15 Drawn by the Father Ezekiel 36:19-31 Berry Kercheville Sermon N/A Sun AM 20150628am_-_Drawn_By_the_Father_-_Ezekiel_c36v19-31_-_Berry_Kercheville.mp3
06/21/15 Home Town Rejection (Mark 6:1-6) Erik Borlaug Sermon Exploring Mark Sun PM 20150621pm_-_Hime_Town_Rejection_-_Mark_v6v1-6_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3
06/21/15 Godly Grief, Worldly Grief (2 Corinthians 7:5-16) Erik Borlaug Sermon N/A Sun AM 20150621am_-_Godly_Grief_Wordly_Grief_-_2_Corinthians_c7v5-16-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3
06/14/15 The Battlefield is in Our Mind (Ephesians 6:11) Adam Kitt Sermon N/A Sun PM 20150614pm_-_The_Battlefield_is_in_our_Mind__-_Ephesians_6v11_-_Adam_Kitt.mp3
06/14/15 Do Not be Anxious (Philipians 4:4-20) Erik Borlaug Sermon N/A Sun AM 20150614am_-Do_Not_Be_Anxious_-_Philipians_4v4-20_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3
06/07/15 Mephibosheth Erik Borlaug Sermon N/A Sun AM 20150607am_-_Mephibosheth_-_Eric_Borlaug.mp3
05/31/15 Gerasene Demoniac (Mark 5-1-20) Erik Borlaug Sermon Exploring Mark Sun PM 20150531pm_-_Gerasene_Demoniac_-_Mark_5_v1-20_-_Eric_Borlaug.mp3
05/31/15 You Are: A Member of the Body (1 Cor. 12:12-27) Erik Borlaug Sermon N/A Sun AM 20150531AM_-_You_Are_A_member_of_the_Body_-_1_Cor_12_v12-27_-_Eric_Borlaug.mp3
05/24/15 Lord of the Storm (Mark 4:35-41) Erik Borlaug Sermon Exploring Mark Sun PM 20150524pm_-_Lord_of_the_Storm_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3
05/24/15 Worshiping in Spirit and Truth (John 4:19-24) Erik Borlaug Sermon N/A Sun AM 20150524am_-_Worshipping_in_Spirit_and_Truth_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3

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