

“Let's Vote”

By Don Case

Where can we turn for solutions when we are experiencing moral, social, and economic decline that can destroy our country? Unfortunately, when it comes to politics and elections, far too many people spend time consulting friends, and culture then what the Bible teaches. We use prayer to restore each other, our homes, and church but we can also use it to transform our nation. Changing the direction of our country is not too big of a challenge for God. Christians should consult with God concerning the decline of our society and its influence on our nation.

The institutions of governmental authority was created, decreed, and established by God and is under His sovereign control. God cannot be removed from believers' involvement or representation in government because laws are made based on belief systems. The Christian's belief system is to be derived from the Bible, therefore out of necessity, it should affect our hearts and our voting principles.

Scripture holds the final and authoritative answer to life's concerns. While Scripture is good enough for individuals, families, and churches, it seems that somehow its power has been neglected as we react to politics and governmental challenges.

God Does Not Vote

We are part of the instruments that God uses to make changes in government. Understanding Gods desire for our nation is essential for voting correctly. We should ask God to guide us in voting according to His will. Christians sometimes ask who should I vote for when the real question should be the more important question, how should I vote. What do we do when divisions, bad bad morals and debt threatens what little stability we have left?

God Rules...

God is the sovereign ruler over creation. He will rule by either endorsing men's choices, or He will rule by allowing them to have the consequences of a decision made against Him. Those who favor the legality of abortion on demand are making a choice against God's law not to take an innocent human being's life. God has given people the freedom to disobey Him by making choices opposing what He says. He has also given our government the freedom to make laws that allows the murder of an unborn child legal. When governing representatives of the people legalize the shedding of innocent blood they have placed themselves in the direct line of God's judgment. As a result, there will be a price for legalizing the killing of unborn babies. We may never get to vote on abortion but we can scrutinize candidates for their willingness to follow Gods commandments.

We hear a lot of conversation pertaining to elections, candidates, parties, and platforms but few biblically based views are developed. As believers, we should be consulting God if we expect His influence on our nation. God is able to turn things around. People filling the positions within governments may not intentionally be serving God, most are not, but we can ask for help that they will be influenced towards godly moral standards. It is our responsibility to elect candidates that will further God's plan for our society.

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