

“Courageous (Part 5)”


Don Case

Let no one despise your youth, instead, you should be an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12

What a pleasure it is to see our teenagers believe, obey and grow into faithful Christians. Society is continuously evolving but one thing remains constant, the period of time between childhood and maturity is difficult. It is tough being a teenager. We appreciate the pressures they face and we know that there is so much for them to overcome. Our young people are making a difference and they will be leaving a mark on society. They may never become famous but they are people who listen to God, believe Him, and have convictions and purposes. God sees them for what they can become as he works in their lives. Their godly lives have endless possibilities as their examples greatly influence others.

Need For Radical Change in Society

There is decay in many American homes due to the negative influence of the media, entertainment, drugs and alcohol . Absentee fathers are destroying families and neighborhoods. Many teenagers today are biblically illiterate. They are not taught what conduct is right and wrong.

Many do not have the knowledge or encouragement to stand against societal pressure and make wise decisions in the face of evil.

The teen years can be gut-wrenching for them and their parents. Fathers and mothers should be constantly involved in their teenager's education, recreation, social life, and spiritual training. They should lead by example and give sound advice. Parents should be teaching young people to make wise decisions, be responsible, and live lives that matter.

We each have choices; we can be average, or exceptional. Teens must be taught how to make wise decisions that can influence the rest of their lives. They must learn to be responsible and to influence others. "Respecting the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and discipline." Society desperately needs idols, teenagers who can lead, show by example, influence, and be a catalyst for change. Our young people are willing to step-up and help change their generation, let's support them.

Wake Up, Clean Up, Grow Up, and Stir Up

Reference: Courageous Teens by Michael Catt and Amy Parker, part of the book series from the movie, Courageous.

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