

“Courageous (Part 4)”

Submitted by Don Case

Wives and Mothers

The movie, Courageous, concluded with a Resolution For Men, however, the companion books continued with resolutions for woman and teenagers.

These proposed resolutions suggest that woman devote themselves to making and keeping pledges that lead to becoming greater Christians. These life changing promises will bring more blessings and joys to life in pursuit of being God's best. Women will understand that these resolutions involve discipline and self-sacrifice. They allow the Word of God to nurture and take control of their lives. There will be a deep impact on the lives of the ladies that agree to this commitment.

These resolutions will also have a positive impact on the families. These are life changing resolutions with God and are principles that He has already established. He is always calling and challenging us towards growth to make our lives more fruitful.

Our desire should be to leave a legacy of faith, compassion, gratitude, perseverance, forgiveness, patience, and love, all carefully crafted and then purposefully passed on to the next generations.

The Resolution For Women: At A Glance

  • I do solemnly resolve before God to embrace my current season of life and live with a spirit of contentment.
  • I will champion God's model for womanhood and teach it to my children
  • I will celebrate my God-given uniqueness and the distinction He has placed in others.
  • I will live as a woman answerable to God and faithfully commit to His Word.
  • I will seek to devote the best of myself to the primary roles God has entrusted to me.
  • I will be quick to listen, slow to speak, and esteem others more highly than myself.
  • I will forgive those who have wronged me and reconcile with those I have wronged.
  • I will not tolerate evil influences in myself or my home but will embrace a life of purity.
  • I will pursue justice, love, mercy, and extend compassion towards others.
  • I will be faithful to my husband and honor him in my conduct and in my conversation, and will aspire to be a suitable partner for him to help him reach his God-given potential.
  • I will teach my children to love God, respect authority, and live responsibly.
  • I will cultivate a peaceful home where God's presence is sensed.
  • I will make today's decisions with tomorrow's impact in mind and consider my current choices in light of future generations.
  • I will courageously work with the strength God provides to fulfill this resolution for the rest of my life and for His glory.

Source: THE RESOLUTION FOR WOMEN, a part of the COURAGEOUS series.

Copies of the RESOLUTION FOR WOMEN are available on the foyer seat

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