

“Courageous (Part 1)”

By Don Case

The movie "Courageous" has two companion books, The Resolution for Men and The Resolution for Woman. All three of these products promote the virtue of being the best Christian parent possible. Some of the positions in the books will be offered in some articles here.


Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:14-16


Six Powerful Influences You Must Guard In Your Children's Lives

Parents must be fully aware of what is going on with their children, while guiding and guarding the things that influence their hearts and minds. The following six key influences can steal your children's hearts , pollute their minds, and lead them away from God.

  1. Their Friends: "He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm" (Proverbs 13:20). Pray for and surround your children with wise friends. Be willing to say "NO" to any parties, sleepovers, and "FUN" events that would put your children under the influence of foolish kids. Instead, initiate and lead fun events at your home rather than sending them into unknown situations.
  2. Education: The worldviews of your child's teachers in school can become the worldviews of your child. If you want to raise godly children, you must guard carefully who is teaching them and what is being taught.
  3. Music: Develop in your children a love for the music of God and a disgust for the music of the world. Teach them to discern if the messages imbedded in music are helpful, loving, truthful, and edifying, or if they are angry, sexual, rebellious, self-centered, or corruptive.
  4. Movies and TV: Today's movies and television shows are now considered two of the top influences in culture. They have become increasingly more influential in how the next generation thinks and interprets reality. Do not let children watch whatever they want. Build a library of good content, and take time to watch more edifying programs with your kids.
  5. Internet: Many parts of the internet can be dangerous and a stumbling block to children. Train you children to run from evil and be very selective about what is viewed. Keep the internet supervised and out in the open.
  6. Video Games: Some video games are very violent, perverted, and addictive. They are designed to draw children into a fantasy world and keep them there for endless hours when they could be doing something productive and edifying. Guard what games they play, how long they play them, and monitor if they can become a stumbling block.

Restricting teens can become a battleground leading to anger and misunderstanding. Make sure that they understand it's your love for them that is leading to your control. Your limits will create a void that must be filled with something better. Lead them towards good friends, books, music, movies and activities.


Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21


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