


By Don Case

Sometimes we hear about presidents that are concerned about their legacy or how he will be evaluated by historians. In the Bible we see hundreds of characters that are now remembered thousands of years after their death. We see good and bad kings, wicked rulers, Godly people, and many faithful. Unlike obituaries and eulogies that come at the end of life, they usually mention only the good that a person has done. They do not provide a full view of the character. It is unfortunate that many people are only remembered for how much money they earned, not what they contributed spiritually.

Christians are always looking for ways to serve, help and support others. Unlike many politicians, Christians do not strive after recognition for their deeds, often unrecognized they perform countless works to benefit others. They are inspiring not always for the things they say but what they do. They believe that goodness will be pasted on in ways they do not always expect, but they open their hearts often to benefit others. All of us appreciate recognition for our achievements but Christians patiently anticipate their heavenly reward. Each of us will leave a legacy that may not always show a major impact. Historians may not recognize Christians that live by godly principles but the world will be a better place because of what they have produced in their lives.

The Heritage of God

David wrote, "For You, O God, have heard my vows; You have given me the heritage of those who fear Your name" (Psalm 61:5). This simple statement made by the man after God's own heart proves one key, encouraging thing about how God views us. The fact is, God sees his servants, whether in ancient times or in modern times, as those who are participants in the heritage of the eternal and powerful Creator. What a wonderful thought! As our brother Don nicely wrote, the legacy that matters is whether or not we are a part of the family of God and known by Him throughout eternity. Let each of us live such that we can be firm participants in the heritage of the only God. We are so fortunate to serve Him!

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  1. Wed PM Bible Study
    3/12/25 07:00pm
  2. Sun AM Bible Study
    3/16/25 09:00am
  3. Sun AM Worship
    3/16/25 10:00am
  4. Sun PM Worship
    3/16/25 05:00pm
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    3/19/25 07:00pm
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