

“Treasures of the Grand Old Hymns”

By Don Case

I am sure you get great joy out of being with friends and singing hymns that are significant to you. We sing of love, trust, hope, comfort and peace. We gather to sing with people of different ages, races, and musical skill, with joy in our hearts. We sing with our souls to inspire each other and to praise God.

Most of us spend a portion of each day listening to music on our IPODs, TVs, radios and CD players. We are mechanically sung to, but in our congregation we join our voices to edify and encourage each other. It makes no difference how well we sing, only that we do raise our voices to heaven. We may be amateurs but our voice lifts us up and it delights us to sing about our triumph victory. From childhood, hymns contribute to our spiritual foundation. We appreciate the words and music and are edified by the messages. We often discover passion that is expressed in A cappella music and we sometimes get choked up by classic old hymns that leave us overwhelmed with joy and love.

Some of our beloved old hymns were written as early as the 16th century. One of our oldest hymns is, "A MIGHTY FORTRESS IS OUR GOD." "ROCK OF AGES," was first printed in 1776 and has had the most copies printed in American history. Some of the other older songs that have inspired for the past few centuries include: "ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS' NAME, A LITTLE TALK WITH JESUS MAKES IT RIGHT, PRECIOUS LORD TAKE MY HAND and FAIREST LORD JESUS." We hope that these inspirational numbers will still dwell in the hearts of future generations.


Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind. Great Is Thy Faithfulnes, How Great Thou Art, I Know I Need Thee Every Hour.

This Is My Story, This Is My Song. Since Jesus Came Into My Heart He Walks With Me And He Talks With Me As I Praise My Savior All The Day Long. What A Friend We Have In Jesus. I Will Sing The Wonderous Story As I Take Time To Be Holy. I Know God Will Abide With Me, Because He Forgets Not His Own.

We Gather Together To Hear The Wonderful Words Of Life. Let Me Live For Jesus By Showing His Love In My Life, As I Seek How Can I Stop One Heart From Breaking?

There Is A Great Day Coming, Oh Happy Day. After The Hour Of My Departure, Precious Lord, Take My Hand. We Shall Stand Before The Throne Prepared To Meet Thy God.

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past services

  1. Sun AM Bible Study
    3/16/25 09:00am
  2. Sun AM Worship
    3/16/25 10:00am
  3. Sun PM Worship
    3/16/25 05:00pm
  4. Wed PM Bible Study
    3/19/25 07:00pm
  5. Sun AM Bible Study
    3/23/25 09:00am
  6. View Full Calendar